The Ballas gang will attack all other gangs. hopefully that can be fixed in a future update. and he's actually not actually part of a gang. The husk has been replaced by the Ballas gang. However, the skin is wrong! It looks like Jizzy B. Currently this isn't a feature but maybe that's something for the future! It would be really cool if it was possible to somehow hire Grove Street members to become a part of your own gang. This means that they will only attack if they are being attacked by another gang. Villagers have been replaced by the Grove Street gang (green). They are neutral by default. All of them are weapons which you can get in at least one of the GTA games. Some of the weapons have been replaced by two melee weapons and one assault rifle.

If you've ever played GTA (which I have a little too much in the past) then you will most likely enjoy this addon as well! This is an addon which brings some of the gangs in GTA San Andreas (and V) to Minecraft Pocket Edition. All of the gangs are hostile toward one another and will participate in turfwars if they get across each other.